The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133924   Message #3044497
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
01-Dec-10 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is this a Con?
Subject: RE: BS: Is this a Con?
I got the following one in today's E-Mail:-

""I am David Freeman, a principal partner at Paull & Williamsons Solicitors in Scotland.I am contacting you because I would like to request for your undivided attention and trust in assisting with the transfer of the funds of my deceased client as next of kin before the British Treasury can commence the confiscation procedures.

I advice that there should be utmost confidentiality in all matters I shall discuss with you because it is only on this premise of reliability and implicit trust in our capabilities that the exact dividends of this proposal will be achieved.

Privileged information and official instruments at my disposal will enable this proposal in the right perspective for a 100% successful execution rate, it is therefore paramount for me to be assured of your discretion in handling details of this proposal which I will discuss with you once I receive an acknowledgment of this email from you with the assurance that you will work hand-in-hand with me to see these funds released to you.

I await your response
which should be sent ONLY to my personal email at

David S. Freeman

Question 1. Is this a solicitor?
Question 2. Is this a Scot?
Question 3. Does this half wit Nigerian really think he speaks English?

I rather wish that I had instruments at my disposal which would enable this correspondent in the right perspective for a 100% successful execution.

These eejits are such a hoot!

Don T.