The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25710   Message #304465
Posted By: Barbara
24-Sep-00 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: Music in Portland?
Subject: RE: Music in Portland?
If you go to the Portland Folklore Society calendar you will find concert info, jam info, dance info and a buncha links that will take you other places. I'm usually at the pubsing Mary mentioned; the next one is Oct 3.
You just missed Si Kahn; John Gorka will be in town, Emmylou Harris, if that's your cup'a tea, or Neil Young. Andrew Calhoun and Claire Bard should be having a house concert next week, not sure where yet. Andrew is the owner of Waterbug records, a great singer-songwriter label, as well as being a wonderful songwriter himself.
Sacred Harp this afternoon. When you gonna be here? blessings,