The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86963   Message #3045224
Posted By: GUEST
02-Dec-10 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Pawkie Paiterson's Auld Grey Yaud
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Pawkie Paiterson's Auld Grey Yaud
Hope you don't mind me passing comment, as I was really interested when I saw the thread.

The song is a Hawick song. To my knowledge it isn't called Pokey, it's called Pawkie, which has a different meaning in Scots (if, as I suspect, it is used in connection with this meaning - lucky). The song is absolutely directly translatable to Scots; it is Scots, the Hawick tongue being a dialect of the Scots leid (language). Many people from Aberdeenshire would also sound foreign to Edinburghers if they spoke Doric, doesn't mean they aren't speaking Scots!

On the Synergy album, I gave a phoenetic version of some of the words to help with pronunciation e.g. Paiterson for the english Patterson - though I suspect that in the past it might have been spelt Paiterson c.f. Ridpath for Redpath (famous Borders name!).

It's a great song and Henry Dooglis (Douglas)- phoentics again :) -, whom I learned it from, is a fantastic man.


John Morran (Deaf Shepherd)