The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3045247
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Dec-10 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Oddly enough, I saw small-scale local capitalism flourishing in Cuba, which is supposedly Communist! I'll explain what I mean about that.

There were many little local restaurants (mostly little cafes where you could sit outside under a canopy and your food was cooked close to where you were sitting). Each cafe was unique, run by a local family, and they ran it in their own unique way and cooked REAL food that came from fresh local agricultural sources...not McDonald's hamburgers.

There were no chain stores to be seen in Cuba, and no fast food chains and no corporate advertising. All the food offered in the cafes was home-cooked, real food, not processed food, so it would vary according to the skills of the cook, naturally.

The cafes naturally try to earn a profit in order to be viable businesses, so their prices are set up to do that, but they're very inexpensive.

Each cafe must, I assume, get a does every restaurant and cafe in North America....other than that, they are all run as unique stand-alone businesses, and the way they are run is determined by the people running them, as long as they maintain normal health regulations (same as in North America).

Now, my main point about this is: there is no corporate presence there in Cuba! No McDonalds. No Burger King. No Arby's. No Taco Bell. No Mr Submarine. No Starbucks. No Tim Horton's. None of that robotic corporate crap. Just thousands and thousands of unique little local businesses run by local people, all cooking real food that is made on the spot, not processed food.

That's the situation we had once...a long time North America before the corporate chains started taking over the food industry.

Ironically enough, in Communist Cuba, I saw the kind of freedom and local initiative on the smart of small local restauranteurs that once existed in North America under small-scale capitalism. They were not under the thumb of the Corporatocracy. They were doing it themselves, in their own way, as they decided. That's private enterprise. That's freedom. That's self-empowerment. That IS small-scale capitalism in a supposedly "socialist" society, because the big corporates have no power there.

And that's one of the reasons why the USA would like to wipe the Cuban Revolution off the face of the Earth. It is getting in the way of corporate profits.

Corporatism isn't traditional capitalism, it's the establishment of a dictatorial oligarchy of special corporate interests....and it's done by creating fiat money through what amounts to a gigantic Ponzi scheme run by the banks.