The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3045324
Posted By: Donuel
02-Dec-10 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Gad Bless Tom Delay, the poor old sot has been found guilty and is looking at a life sentence.

I say Obama gives him a Christmas Eve pardon since what Delay did by funneling illegal corporate money to his campaigns is now what the Supreme allows with its Citizens United ruling, in that unlimited corporate money can be funneled to political campaigns.

Hurray for Spain for indicting 6 Bush republicans for torture under international law. BOO HISS to the Obama administration that threatened Spain if they tried to extradite our torturers.

Time to punish Nigeria which has indicted Cheney who was the CEO of KBR when KBR bribed Nigerian officials with 300 million dollars.
Good luck finding Cheney. The Obama administration does not know where he is.

Obama has not indicted a single Bushie. Obama has bailed out AIG and Goldman Sachs 8 times more than the middle class.

I bet those 14 stiches in Obama's lip are like the time Bush choked on a Pretzel. It was really the muscle of Corporate America giving him the agenda for the coming year and he had the gall to speak out of turn...WHACK "don't speak, LISTEN! and will do nothing to obstruct the tax cuts for billionaires, secondly..."