The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3045345
Posted By: Ron Davies
02-Dec-10 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
"...puppet strings..."

That sounds awful close to hyperbole---and the good old conspiracy theory addiction of so many Mudcatters.

Sure people left of center are bitter-- (and may not even have guns and religion to turn to)-- but it's premature to write off the President. Especially since he has--against huge opposition, some even from his own party--accomplished quite a bit.   

It's a bit of a problem when you're dealing with the worst recession since the Depression--and trying to do other things at the same time, like overhauling the health care system.

Main problem appears to be that virtually nobody knew just how deep this recession really was---so unrealistic predictions were made--and the necessary laser-focus on the economy was not there.   Added to which, even had it been there, presidents have remarkably little control over the economy--though they always take blame--or credit--for it.

But that now comes under the category of spilt milk.   And anybody who thinks that either Biden or Hillary can deflect criticism of the Obama administration should explain how either of these people can seriously claim to not be part of said administration.

Look, it's back to "dance with the one that brung you."   At this point the Democrats have no other choice--and, as I've said more than once, things are likely to improve this summer.