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Thread #133966   Message #3045378
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
03-Dec-10 - 12:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Little Hawk:(yo-ho), "And most people on this forum want the Democrats to win....just as much as they want the Republicans to lose. I want to see them both swept forever into the dustbin of history by some sort of popular revolution. There is no political party out there that I believe in. Not one. I'll admit that some are worse than others, though."

I KNEW you had common sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hilary is just as big into the pockets of big business as much, or more than a lot of her 'Republican' counter-parts, and what amazes me to no end, is that somehow that seems to get by a lot of you!

This is all a big charade where one hand washes the other. The whole deception is just like the 'good cop/bad cop' scenario, and you get to pick which 'cop' you like, to be your good cop!

This is about mega-corporations OWNING the politicians, while China OWNS us through the debt! This is about de-industrializing America, and 'sharing the wealth' by stealing from us, and GIVING it away, not for 'love', not for 'righteousness', not for the 'moral high ground', not because 'its the right thing to do'...this masquerade is about POWER, and those who rose to the top, through corrupt practices, are deciding who gets what, from our President, all the way down to the unborn! CHECK IT OUT!..and yet, some of the 'sincere' devotees, even on here, think this is the political system we grew up with! It ain't! ..and you might be most sincere, and I believe a lot of you are, but you are also sincerely wrong!

The American small businesses are under attack, like never before in our history. We have been lied to at every turn, by our so called 'representatives'....and there is NOTHING wrong with a small business, started to provide for one's family, and the few people that it may employ.

If this keeps up, the government will be the one deciding what job you do, where you have to do it, and control every aspect of your life! THAT is BULLSHIT!

By the way, I just got an e-mail about the control over the music industry, and making sure that the music that is heard, is kept at the dumbest levels, as to keep the public 'dumbed down' and to the people from 'wising up', and thinking outside the nice little mental sandbox they've created, just for you...and some of you just keep rooting them on!!(hey Ebbie, I got 'rooting' right this time!)

I suspect that Little Hawk's, "...both swept forever into the dustbin of history..." will happen sooner than we think...the scarier part is, what the hell will they come up with in it's place. I suspect 'chipping' everyone or trying, will be a part of the agenda. This will have NOTHING to do with a 'political/patriotic' party of do-gooders. (jeez, I could even break it down how their going to make it look, like its the only practical thing to do..fuckin' Machiavellian assholes!

Ok, enough..I need to spend some serious studio time, and got to break, from this, to go do it. I've got some MAJOR recording to do, and have been double-booked, on the same day, in two to different towns this week, and then some frantic traveling, for two separate gigs just hours an invite for a get together, and dinner, at the same time...IN A DIFFERENT TOWN, yet! Just screwed up planning...but it wasn't by me!..

Oh well, gotta go.....See ya' for now..
