The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3045474
Posted By: Bobert
03-Dec-10 - 07:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Well, there you go again, GfinS... Sme stuff you write about Obama you now use on Hillary... During the primary season you hated Obama and gave folks the impression you favored Hillary... Now Hillary is GfinS Public Enemy #1...

Maybe you'd rather have Mitch McConnell as President 'er John "CickenCrap" Bonehead, I donno?

I'm with you, Donuel... That letter is about the most childish, arrogant piece of "chicken crap" I can remember any party in Congress ever doing... These folks are acting like spoiled crybaby rich kids who think they deserve a 4th (or 5th) strike because they own the ball...

Word on the street is that Charles Shummer (D-N.Y) is going to propose -- drum roll -- tax cuts for millionaires!!!! How novel???
