The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3045614
Posted By: Bobert
03-Dec-10 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
I have no problems with folks not being aligned with political parties, LH...

What I have a problem with is aloofness and the retelling of the "Both are the same" mythology...

You admit that they are not but then put another quarter in the rocking horse and sing Nadar's 2000 Fight Song as if it absolves you of having to accept any responsibility with trying to change the facts on the ground... That is what hopelessness is all about... Ain't that easy...

I mean, folks here try to have conversations/debates and bring up real "facts on the ground" issues (real or perceived) and a constant position of "yeah-ya'll-are-corrupt-so-rise-above-it" ain't a position at all... It's a cop out...

Yeah, all progressives would love to have Dennis Kucinich as president... Or Bernie Saunders... Or Dr. Spock... Or, or, or...

That ain't got anything to do with "facts on the ground"...

I mean, I mean no disrespect here but, geeze louise, me thinks a new song is order... And that is offered not as a Dem, a Green, a Bull Moose or a Donald Ducker ... Just offered...
