The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134000   Message #3046053
Posted By: Arthur_itus
04-Dec-10 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: England World Cup 2018 bid
Subject: RE: BS: England World Cup 2018 bid
That's the great thing about being retired.

You can do whatever you like and bollocks to anybody else. :-)

I can remember walking to work in the snow back in the 60's from Great Barr to the GEC in Witton Birmingham, where I worked at the time, in the snow back in the 60's.
Never used to bother me then.

However, I hate the snow now, because of arthritus etc, daren't even put a foot outside the door, for fear of slipping and breaking bones.
Couldn't even get the car out the drive since Monday morning.