The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59694   Message #3048078
Posted By: MikeL2
07-Dec-10 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: British Military Slang = Jankers
Subject: RE: Folklore: British Military Slang = Jankers

MtheGM got it spot on. I was in the RAF though but jankers was the same "punishment".

And as Mike says not much fun when you are on it. One of the problems was that they kept you so busy with appointed tasks the whole day that it was very easy to get something slightly wrong and so even more days were added to the original "crime".

In the RAF it was usually only only common on training bases where discipline and "bullshit" was prevalent.

I remember that to combat the having to report regularly through-out the day in full dress and webbing that we had a couple of special sets of gear continually kept in top order to loan out to offenders.

I spent some time on jankers and my tasks were to guard the coal compound - this included whitewashing the top layer. This to make it easy to spot if anyone had nicked some.

Another was where two people one with a can of black paint and the other with white were instructed to paint the kerbs on all the roads. The white ones to be painted black and vice-versa.

I think we could do with some of this now seeing as the Condems appear to be going soft on prison for repeat offenders and knife carrying.



