The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3048179
Posted By: GUEST,999
07-Dec-10 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
As an aside, when you look at your country, are you not ashamed of a place (political system) that could produce a thing like the Tea Party and things like Palin. We in Canada had an idiot much like her. His name is Stockwell Day. He is to the right of Caligula but elected and sitting in our parliament. Full of stunts and stupid crap that draws attention but little of substance. (IMO, the Harper government will fall next election--but there are few options. In fact allow me to be so bold as to suggest that a no confidence motion will tumble it within four months.)

I have read statements by some folks here who hate Obama. But justifications for radical politicos--who in another time would have been called anarchists--coming from the pens of otherwise smart people sure does bring things to a screeching halt. How anyone could sit back and say shit like, I have mine and fuck the rest is beyond my ability to imagine. Yet many posters have done just that.

So, we in Canada will end up like Americans: a people desperately seeking a democracy but knowing deep in our hearts that we have left it too late. Those camps we spoke of about five years back: I wonder how soon.