The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49881   Message #3048189
Posted By: robd
07-Dec-10 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Kipper family We're Norfolk and Good
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Kipper family We're Norfolk and Good
"Someone called Rob D was collecting all the Kippers lyrics in this thread. I for one thought he was intending to put them somewhere on the web, but there's no sign of them. We gave him all the lyrics he hadn't got and he appears to have gone away happy (he hasn't posted, apparently, since 1999). Unfortunately, he didn't post any of the lyrics he had got and this was one of them.

We seem to have provided a full set of lyrics for his personal collection. Unfortunately this doesn't appear to have been made available. "

And for that, he apologizes. Intended to, thought I actually did -- faulty memories abound. But never got back to it, life intervened.

Never did complete all the the lyrics, nor did I ever get any of the Crab Wars transcribed. Maybe someday.

But, here are the collected song booklets as I managed to finally put together. They are all Microsoft Word. Formatted as Booklets, they are intended to be printed two sided, and they then come out as a nice little 5.5"x8.5" booklet. I also include a plain text version.

Forgive me my trespasses, and especially, my omissions: