The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3048350
Posted By: Bobert
07-Dec-10 - 05:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
There are some other paths, LH, but all are, at best, crap shoots...

First of all, I have suggested that every "liberal Democrat" in Congress invite one Tea Party electee to lunch... Okay, maybe several but one at a time...

Inh essence, most of the Tea Party folks comin' to D.C. are clueless... I don't hold them responsible... It's just that they don't know any better...

If progressives could show the Tea Party where the common ground is nthenh there is a change of pryin' the Tea Paerty6 away from the Repubs... What I know of most of them is that they are pissed because the government hasn't worked for them or their friends/supporters... I don't see this tidal wave of them wanting much more than a more effective government... That's what progressives want... That means that presidents don't/can't take US to war because they are bored or because they want to win an election... I think the Tea Party folks would come around to that thinkin' without alot of arm twisting...

Step two is use the Tea Party to explain to "Southern Man" that the reason that they are only makin' $30,000 a year in the South isn't because of mean unions or mean government... It's because the corporations are exploiting them... I have long predicted that the US will turn back to the left when Southern Man finally has had enough...

I mean, there ain't no guarantees but seems to me that there is a path short of armed revolution...

And no... I ain't all smoked up at the moment...
