The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3048495
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
07-Dec-10 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Bobert: ". ...In order to attract US business, China (and others) will offer to put in all the infrastructure and build the plants for Boss Hog, Inc, and then turn it all over to Boss Hog, Inc. who in turn hires folks in host country... Now if Boss Hog, Inc. had to spend his own money in the US and build a widget factory that factory would be taxed potentially as an asset held by Boss Hog, Inc., right???"

Okay, while that's true, what made them look overseas?...Higher domestic taxes, union scales, and regulating the shit out of our manufacturing!(Liberal agenda stuff),..BUT..That being said, I am AGAINST the shipping of our manufacturing base out, and that was to accommodate the Republicans...which I think is STUPID! We need to accommodate the American people, and OUR infrastructure, put people back to work, and have them a fair wage, to get them OFF unemployment, and welfare!! We are spending too much, and not taking in enough, nor are we re-generating our own economy. Printing more money, and keeping people on the 'dole' DOES NOT generate anything, but debt!

Now, I hope THIS isn't a item of contention..but it's the obvious situation that is screwing up our economy..oh, that and Fannie and Freddie, and Glass-Steagal...ALL programs to 'help' the little guy..but actually a 'Trojan Horse', 'bait and switch', to pad the 'Fat Cat's' pockets! It's been happening REPEATEDLY!!

I really think that this was a conscious plan all along, and the Corporate Fat Cat's exploited both the liberal left, AND the conservative right to pull it off!!!.....and yet, you still argue partisan politics!!!...ITS A FUCKING SCAM!!!

Why some of you don't get it, defies gravity!