The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3048722
Posted By: Bobert
08-Dec-10 - 08:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Actually, GfinS.... You have parroted the Republican fight song with yer list of reasons why Boss Hog is moving jobs overseas...

Corporate taxes??? Sure, the rate is higher than foreign rates *but* with the corporate loopholes and deductions most *large* corporations don't pay any taxes at all... Yeah, the "mom and pop" ones do because they do not have the resources to hire the accountants and lawyers that the big boys use...

Union wages??? This one has always been one of then favorites of the right wing... Reality, however, differs considerably from Boss Hog's mythology... Union membership, and thus negotiatin' power has been in decline for the last 35 years... Actual membership is down to less than 7% and most of them are municipal or government employees... Reality is that wages in the US are well under most industrialized nations... Anmd benefits??? Way the heck under...

Regulations??? Another of Boss Hog's BIGASS LIES!!! We are no where near as regulated as most European nations and the regs we have we don't particularly enforce... All one has to do is look at the recent coal mine disasters of the oil spill in the Gulf... We have had a 30 year decline in enforcement... The secondary problem here in the US from a lack of regs and/or enforcement of regs is that Boss Hog is slowly but surely poisoning our air and our water... There is no such thing as "clean coal"... And do you know what "fracking" is, GfinS??? I didn'ty think so... Google it up and think how this could very well ruin the water supply in entire regions of the US... No, that, "too many regs" is nuthin' but right wing BS... That dog not only don't hunt but has been dead for 30 years...

No, the bottom line is that Boss Hog has owned the US Government going back 30 years... All the rules and/or enforcement are "just right" for Boss Hog... Yeah, he loves to bash the government to take people's attention off the fact that he runs the show but run the show he does... The reason he is taking our jobs overseas is simple... People in the 3rd World can live on $3 a hour!!! That is reality... The rest is bullshit right wing propaganda that Boss Hog has installed as part of our collective cultural consciousness... But it is all based on BIGASS LIES!!!

Shame on you for repeating them...
