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Thread #133966   Message #3048844
Posted By: Donuel
08-Dec-10 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
There is enough flawed thinking to go around for everyone.

IS the right really flawed in their thinking?
Everyone dies so you may as well take everything you can while you are here. Besides if the new immortality treatments do work they aren't cheap. IF the price of getting to be a billionaire merely the downfall of capitalism, democracy and the middle class it is a small rpice to pay.

The right wants what they want and thats all they want... Wealth at any cost.

Face it, the wealthy have not and do not trickle down.
The only time billioniares or empires trickle down and redistribute their core wealth is after death or overthrow.


Bobert forgets the flawed thinking of the left...

This is exactly what Obama said yesterday...
"I take Mr. Boehner at his word. At the end of the day he certainly won;t choose to vote against raising the debt ceiling. No one wants the the entire faith and credit of the United States Goverment to fail. The total collapse of the American dollar is something no one wants."

Barak you poor deluded fool, you must think Boehner has your rational mind set?

Dozens of Republicans have vowed to vote against raising the debt ceiling (which would mean the US would not cover its debt under law)

All the tea party representatives will not compromise and vote for a new debt ceiling.

More flawed thinking was to have a Social Security payroll deduction holiday.
The first president to raid the Social Security trust fund was Reagan.
Then GHW Bush raided SS and replaced it with and IOU.
Then Clinton continued to treat SS money as a slush fund for the entire US goverment and said mondy is spongable.
GW Bush wanted to stop SS payments to the Goverment and give it to Wall St. but failed. So did Wall St until it was bailed out.
Mpw Pbama is raiding Social Secuity by not even letting payments to be made into Social Security. THe money never even reaches the trust fund.

Is it stimulative? maybe a tiny bit.

Flawed thinking like taking away all cost of living increases in salary for 2 years will not attract the best and brightest to goverment service.


The Wealthy twenty years ago had billions in their accounts. They now have FIVE times what they had then and control 40 trillion dollars. Even If hyper inflation hits they will make out just fine.

Many of societies woes are due to having too many people.
No one wants to think of problems like over population as solvable by introducing deliberate disease, war, holocaust camps, radiation or starvation, but it has happened before. Culling the herd by manipulation of economics is seemingly more humane in comparison.
Culling the herd? Yes I said it, get over it.

The wealthy have no concern about dead peasants unless they have secretly taken out life insurance on employees (which are called Dead Peasant Policies.)

Perhaps there are things you don't know Bobert, same for you Little Hawk, Akenaton. Perhaps the concentration of wealth has a practical intention that you do not know about. What seemed like flawed thinking may be deliberate for the long game.

My thinking is that the easiest thing to exploit are people's desires to want MORE. When there isn't any more, you better have a plan to have enough for yourself or perish.