The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943 Message #3049059
Posted By: Rog Peek
08-Dec-10 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: Lyr Add: HELL NO BUT THE MONEY'S GOOD (Joe Hoffman
Hey mister folk man why do you sing those songs You think we'd understand now that you're gone What's that I hear now, ballads and rags Is there anybody here who'd wrap themselves in a flag You sang so many songs, in so many towns You made us laugh at the wrongs that you found When asked if you meant those words that you sang, you said "Hell no but the money's good."
Chorus Hell no but the money's good folks Hell no but the money's good When asked if you meant those words that you sang, you said Hell no but the money's good
You sang on top of trucks when the unions went on strike You said "I can't spare a buck, but I sure as hell will fight." There but for fortune may go you or I And the power and the glory, yet all men must die Why oh why would a man take his life Why oh why oh why When asked if you meant those words that you sang, you said "Hell no but the money's good."
Notes: Written by Joe Hoffmann of St. Louis, it was recorded by Robert Hoyt (whom I had previously believed to have written it) on "Dumpster Diving Across America" (Folk the Boat FTBRH204) 1993.