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Thread #133966   Message #3049134
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
08-Dec-10 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
TIA: "So where are we going to cut the 50 to 80 billion from the budget to pay for the tax cuts for the top 2 percent? How about a very specific answer to that.."

Well we could start with these PHONY 'stimulus' packages for the rich Wall Street Fat Cats, at the tune of 700 billion..which have created NO 'shovel ready' jobs! Next, cut federal WASTE. Next, stop hiring 'private contractor mercenaries' to fight overseas, Next clean up Freddie and Fannie, next, start fining employers who hire illegals, next, clean up the corruption waste that bilks taxpayers out of billions on tax revenues, next, tax corporations that ship jobs overseas, next, stop ALL padded federally awarded contracts, next, throw out of office ANY and ALL politicians caught misappropriating ANY federally funded funded program..and really give it an effort, instead of giving a pass, because 'everybody is doing it'! Next, let private enterprise expand to create jobs without the crippling 'regulations', that get set in place, to feed the coffers of a new needless 'agency'(?)...cut back on Federal Unions(I mean does the Federal government NEED unions...being as if the government isn't going to be fair to workers, who is?..unless of course its another padded hoax!) Stop borrowing, and paying bogus interest to the 'Federal Reserve, WHICH IS A PRIVATE CORPORATION.....and that's just for starters!!!

So, I guess I won't be 'shutting the fuck up' anytime about you??!!?