The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134159   Message #3049352
Posted By: Joe Offer
09-Dec-10 - 01:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Virgin of Guadalupe insulted in church
Subject: RE: BS: Virgin of Guadalupe insulted in church
I think mg may have misunderstood what was happening, just as she did with her claim that this church makes "Nazi salutes" instead of blessings. If she had taken the time to talk calmly with the priest about the situation, I might agree she has a case.

Certainly, it would be unthinkable to stop Mexican people from having prayers to Our Lady of Guadalupe during the week before the Dec 12 feast of the Patron of Mexico - but our reporter tends to be a bit distorted in her perception at times.

So, mg, come back to us after you've talked to the priest and heard his side of the story. You and the people may have been insulted, but not the virgin. I'm guessing there's a rational explanation. Maybe the novena has been taking an hour or longer every night and he had to lock up and go make hospital calls. But hell, you think these people are Nazis and I wonder why you bother going to church there. Our Lady of Distorted Perception Parish might be more to your liking.

We're having a fiesta in our parish - with lots of terrific Mexican food. The Mexican community raised money for a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and we're making the event into a big celebration.
