The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3049367
Posted By: Donuel
09-Dec-10 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Perhaps you regect the possibility that there is a calculus at work that will get Obama a much sweeter deal.

After all the virtual capitulations by the White House it would certainly surprise Republicans if Barack is actually running a double reverse, fake right, razzle dazzle play.

Hear me out on how it could work. Republicans always run up a deficit that Democrats have had to pay off first before any social programs can be enacted. Republicans defer to the Democrats to have to raise taxes to save what is left of the economy. Republicans always sit back and laugh at the Democrats having to raise taxes and climb out of their hole, except for the time George H Bush raised taxes through his reading lips.

Maybe this time it will be the Republicans who will be left holding the bag and having to raise taxes. So far the Obama compromise has reached everyone's ears from FOX claiming a total capitualtion by Obama and the rest of the media pointing out out the hypocrisy of having to borrow money for our billionaires to get a tax cut.

The next step is to slow down the compromise but by Democrats this time. The first democratic filibuster will be a stark contrast to the Republican's one hundred and five filibusters since Obama took office. The compromise is tweaked by the House. The Senate vote does not accept the compromise before Christmas.

By this time the rich folks tax cut with borrowed money will be the chief conversation over Christmas week. At Joe Sixpack's house Uncle Joe will argue with Left wing Uncle Charlie but everyone is united when tiny Tim asks at the dinner table why the millionaire Scrooge needed so much when we have so little this year.

When The Senate returns there will now be pressure on the Republicans who up till now are one trick ponies who only know how to say NO and they certainly don't know how to take YES for an answer.

Now they have to get the tax cut settled before January 31st or all the taxes will go up which will anger the 35 billionaires who pay good money for their Republican Congressmen and women. IF Republicans wait unitl the new members show up they're asses will be hanging out when they propose a bigger deficit for a few billionaire tax cuts.

If OBama has to he can declare an emergency and issue an executive order to save 2 million people without unemployment insurance. IF the Republicans try to ram the old compromise though now, all Obama needs do is veto somthing for the first time. Voila a double reverse razzle dazzle and Republicans will feel lucky to settle for the one million dollar cut off for the Tax cuts.

Corporations will insist that Republicans get moving since the compromise will give them an investment tax break for 2010 that would have normally been spread out over ten or more years. They will want that money now, not later.

Suddenly its the Republicans who are taking the blame for taxes and delays that cost billions.

A plan such as this would require canned outrage from various left wing media people so that it would appear that the left is still critical that Obama is giving away the store.

Sure a double reverse sounds complicated but the Republicans are going to want to lead when the dance starts on Jan 31st. As they step on each others feet and boast that they are the least likely to compromise, Obama can run the ball in for a touchdown.

Even if it does not go as planned Obama is on record for saying that people are going to want to play politics while he only wants what is best for Americans. In the end the billionaires may just have to say bye to their tax cut this year.