The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134158   Message #3049450
Posted By: Folknacious
09-Dec-10 - 05:38 AM
Thread Name: The end of 'Folkwaves' on BBC
Subject: RE: The end of Folkwaves
There's a similar campaign going on to save Ritu's 'A World In London' on BBC London, which is also being axed at the end of December. Now you may think that the fate of a programme playing folk in Derby has no connection to that of a programme playing multi-cultural music in London, but leaving aside the fact that Ritu plays some Britfolk too, the BBC local stations REMIT applies to both.

Things like:

5.3 Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence: BBC Local Radio should contribute to this purpose amongst its audience. It should provide opportunities for new and emerging musicians from the local area and support local arts and music events by providing event information. Music output should be mainstream in peaktime and include specialist in off-peak hours. Specialist music should be appropriate to the area. Current and recent chart hits should represent no more than 15% of weekly music output.

Have a look at the Save A World In London FACEBOOK PAGE and BLOG and you may find some other shared ammunition.