The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134158   Message #3050143
Posted By: KathWestra
09-Dec-10 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: The end of 'Folkwaves' on BBC
Subject: RE: The end of Folkwaves
I listen to Folkwaves every week from Maryland (in the aforementioned colonies). Mick and Lester present by far the finest selection of traditional music and tradition-influenced contemporary folk I've ever been privileged to hear on the radio. United States public radio stations have long since deep-sixed any diverse programming like this in favor of news and talk programs, and I've come to rely on Mick and Lester's "Folkwaves" to hear artists I never would have known about otherwise. Hearing them on this program has led me to order CDs of new-to-me performers from the Living Tradition's "Listening Post" catalog, and given me a broader perspective on who's singing/playing what, not just in the U.K., but here in North America (Mick and Lester frequently feature U.S. and Canadian singers and instrumentalists). Archie Fisher did that, too, until BBC Scotland decided to "retire" his long-running Traveling Folk. Decisions like this affect the survival of traditional music (who can understand--or even know about--what they never hear?) and the livelihoods of those that perform it. Shame on the BBC! Letter on its way across the pond. Thank you, Lester and Mick, for all these years of wonderful music.