The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134205   Message #3050755
Posted By: Ross Campbell
11-Dec-10 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Last Clydesdales (Archie Webster)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Last Of The Clydesdales (Archie Webst
Not sure if this is the tune mentioned


but it seems to fit.

Very poignant song (which I'll now have to learn). When I lived in Stirlingshire in the sixties, there was still a strong Ploughing Society, with ploughing-matches being held every year. One local farmer kept a pair of Clydesdales and worked them regularly. When I met his daughter at a local wedding some years later, I enquired after her parents, and asked if her father still had his horses. She said that when his team grew old and died, it was like losing family for him. He never had the heart to start again with a young pair.

One local farm, Balwill, was the home of the Baron of Buchlyvie, a famous Clydesdale stallion whose skeleton now graces the Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow. In my time Clydesdales were still being bred there.
