The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134140   Message #3050782
Posted By: Micca
11-Dec-10 - 03:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
We had a Fantastic day yesterday!!
We dined the previous evening at the local pub near Cats'place it involved a firstrate main course followed by a most unusual Creme BrĂșlee made with Sloe Whiskey and Honey!!! which was light, subtle and satisfying without being sweet and sickly. Then after a "crossing of the Car park" that was like an ice rink we came back here.
This morning friends of Cats came and we all went to Boscastle!! that looked so familiar after all the footage I had seen of the floods. and the Witchcraft Museum (which is closed for the winter) was opened for just us to get a Personally guided tour! this included the Library (not usually open to casual Visitors) and some good conversation, which continued in the Pub for lunch ( aREAL Cornish pub with beams and an open fire and locally produced food.
Then off to visit Hawker in her home and an afternoon of good conversation (as the only male present I did a LOT of listening) and all the while we were there a black cat slept on a cushion as if carved out of coal!! Then back to a relaxed evening of dinner then Folk on BBC 4 and a good nights sleep!!