The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133966   Message #3050929
Posted By: Bobert
11-Dec-10 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama a Big Disappointment...
The "extreme left wing" these days, Ake, are just plain ol' garden variety Dems from the 70s... Really nuthin' all that extreme about them unless you think that askin' people to pull their own weight is extreme???

I don't think that is all that extreme... I mean, we had sensible tax policies like that for 40-50 years and no one was lookin' at the US as this extreme leftest place to live???

No, quite the contrary... We have an extreme right wing country with a few moderates trying to get a word in edge-wise... That is the entire problem... The right wing also owns 100% of the media so the ***moderate*** conversations and views aren't even makin' it into the mix...

The right wingers always lead with their bullshit "Left wing media" crap... That is the BIGGEST of their BIGASS LIES!!! Heck, if the moderates can't even get any microphone time, how the hell is anyone on the left going to??? So we hear the right wing's comapany fight song blared down upon US 24/7 by it's media...

And then comes the biggest insult/assault of them all when the right accuses the rest of us of "not hearing them", "of not listening to them"??? What a joke!!! Helen Keller can't help but hear them from her grave... Their bullshit permeates everything... It's like radiation... You can't hide from it...

That is reality.... What isn't reality is this notion that some "extreme left" exists in the US... I wish there were but seems that we've gone so far right that just normal moderates are now considered "extreme left"???

Beam me up, Scotty...
