The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134140   Message #3051442
Posted By: Micca
12-Dec-10 - 01:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
Let me just clear something up, before some of you lot get overheated, Oliver is one of Cats' Moggies, and is not AT ALL my kind of pussy!!!
I was both astonished and delighted by Mr O'Connor and Tina, he has written several songs I had heard and the after (and during) Dinner conversation was sparkling and wide ranging, He sang some songs for us and we sang a few also and it was just the kind of evening you would hope for , Good Food (Roast Beef and the trimmings) Good wine(Vintage Cava, with blackberry liquer to make Kir Royale, Rioja)Followed by the nearest Jacqui could get to Key Lime pie,(she had to settle for a lemon and ordinary lime mix)but it Worked.
The whole trip has been wonderful, full of friendship and friends, some of whom we have only just met! Interesting places full of interesting things