The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134121   Message #3051786
Posted By: Naemanson
12-Dec-10 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Ignorant old people
Subject: RE: Ignorant old people
One of the nice things about being in Guam is that the young people here, for all their posing and emulating the urban hoodlums in the hip-hop videos, still have some respect for the elderly, the manamko.

It's really great to see some urban fop drag in with his hat on sideways, and his sweatshirt (85 degrees in the shade!) too big for him and his pants dragging down around his knees, to see him walk up to an old manamko, take his or her hand, and finehi over it. (To finehi you take an older person by the hand bow over it and bring it close to your face and breath in through your nose. The idea is you are inhaling of his/her wisdom and patience.)