The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107818 Message #3051841
Posted By: GUEST,Guest - Recorderer
12-Dec-10 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: seeking: Time and Tune/Singing Together recording
Subject: RE: seeking: Time and Tune/Singing Together recording
Hi Freshwhitelillies,
I have the booklet for Rumpelstiltskin 'Music Workshop'- my primary school performed it when I was a kid. Absolutely brilliant songs. Email me at and I can sort some scans out for you if you want assuming it's not a copyright outrage. First published 1978, reprinted 1980. Words R D Ward, music Peter Hutchings. The songs are 1 Miller's Song, 2 Echo Song sung by Ethel("Verse One: Locked up in this emptiness all alone, Life's become as grey as these walls of stone. Oh, how unkind my fortune seems! Nothing left to comfort me but my dreams. Verse Two: Just myself for company, only me. Words I speak come back to me constantly. I hear the echoes of each sigh. All alone with me, mtself and I.") 3 Spinning Song, 4 Two-as-One Song, 5 Name-Guessing Song 6 Interlude, 7 Gloating Song, 8 Wedding March, 9 Let the Bells Ring.