The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134158   Message #3052418
Posted By: cobra
13-Dec-10 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: The end of 'Folkwaves' on BBC
Subject: RE: The end of Folkwaves
I have just sent the following to Mr Cornes - many thanks for flagging up the issue on Mudcat - and \I would encourage others to publicise the planned closure as widely as possible. I will post any response from Cornes and/ or Peter Soulsby:-

"Mr Cornes,

I have today learned that BBC East Midlands is proposing to cease the above programme. If this is true it is an appalling act of vandalism on the part of the BBC regional authority. I am confident that the BBC local stations remit applies to this programme and, in particular, I would draw your attention to the following para:-.

"5.3 Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence: BBC Local Radio should contribute to this purpose amongst its audience. It should provide opportunities for new and emerging musicians from the local area and support local arts and music events by providing event information. Music output should be mainstream in peaktime and include specialist in off-peak hours. Specialist music should be appropriate to the area. Current and recent chart hits should represent no more than 15% of weekly music output."

I would be very grateful for advice from you as to how your decision in respect of "Folkwaves" delivers against this element of the remit.

I would also welcome information as to how and why this apparently unilateral decision has been taken - has there been any consultation on this matter? How much does the "Folkwaves" programme cost to deliver to your customers (sic)? What is the total wage bill for BBC East Midlands executives and producers?

What other Specialist programming programming is to be axed and can you oplease advise the basis on which each decision has been taken - listener base, cost, impact on local communities. In short, please share you business plan including any evideence of marketing intelligence you may have generated in the decision making process.

There is an increasing tendency to homogenisation of produect on BBC radio and it appears that there is a determination to ride roughshod over your listeners. I have to advise you that this is not always guaranteed to deliver desired BBC outcomes cf. the recent victory for listeners over the BBC 6 Music debacle.

You will wish to note that I am copying this e-mail to Sir Peter Soulsby, my MP. I will encourage the many fellow listeners to Folkwaves to do the same with their respective representaives.

In the meantime I look forward to your urgent responses to the questions raised in this e-mail,
