The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134158   Message #3052460
Posted By: Rob Naylor
13-Dec-10 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: The end of 'Folkwaves' on BBC
Subject: RE: The end of Folkwaves
Just had this from Stuart Thomas:

Dear Mr Naylor,
Thanks for getting in touch about the planned change to our evening schedule.

I know it is always very disappointing when a programme you enjoy comes to an end, but I can assure you we do not take such decisions lightly.

We have been reviewing our evening schedule for some time, aware that society has changed considerably in the decades since some of these programmes began, and also aware of the changes that have taken place this year in local commercial radio.

Although specialist music programmes like Folkwaves have been very popular with a loyal core of listeners, we feel that we now need to provide a programme that appeals to a wider number of licence fee payers in the East Midlands, especially as there are no longer any local or regional programmes available on commercial radio in the evenings. There are many more people available to listen to radio in the evening now, either because they're wanting something to listen to while using their computers, or because they are going to and from shift work, or just because the family don't all gather round to watch television together in the evening in the way they used to.

We also need to consider that a programme should be able to respond to breaking news in our region or big events like the recent snow, which at the moment we are unable to do.

There are many listeners to Folkwaves like yourself who listen online in both the UK and around the world, but my first responsibility has to be to the majority of licence fee payers in the East Midlands, and it is with them in mind that we are making this change.