The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134140   Message #3052640
Posted By: jacqui.c
13-Dec-10 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
I'm back in Hanworth, having taken Micca back to East London. Been fed a lovely meal by my son's fiance and am just going to set out for Herga.

Cornwall was lovely, as usual, but made even better by the hospitality we received during our stay.

Cats was the best hostess you could wish for and arranged for our days and nights to be filled with all sort of great activities. We had some outstanding meals and superb service from the various eating places we found.

Meeting Hawker on Friday and Mike and Tina O'Connor on Saturday was a real treat, Cats's friend Dee was a real hoot - a very funny lady. Being taken round the witchcraft museum by someone who really knew the exhibits was a real priviledge.

So much was packed into a few days, but it was great fun.

I've got a quiet day tomorrow - going out with Leadfingers tomorrow night to Bracknell - then it's up to Newark on Wednesday.

I'll try and put the few pictures I've taken on flickr tomorrow.