The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #3052924
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
13-Dec-10 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!
In these days where the wish would appear to be prevention of what is often admitted to be, alcohol induced, crime and disorder - there does not seem to be any loud call for the prevention of alcohol.

It could well be that the lessons of previous attempts at prohibition have been taken on board. I suggest that it is not this but a very powerful industry and Govt's which gain much revenue from taxing this industry.

Perhaps the lessons of prohibition can be taken on board by those who would see the prevention of social gatherings in general and those with live music in particular as any sensible way of dealing with crime and disorder? For which there remains no evidence or statistical link to support what is simply a historical prejudice against live music.

If this live music = crime and disorder 'herring' is a red one - it is because it has now been allowed to be almost totally covered in all forms of 'red tape'.

The Metropolitan police claim Form 696 to have been effective in dealing with gun crime and in Harrow, Sgnt Davis demands that Form 696 be completed to enable a small-scale alcohol-free charity event, which already requires licensing permission...........

How have WE allowed it to get this late - and now WE have - how can we reverse this and remove live music from local council employed vandals and the likes of Sgnt Davis?