The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943 Message #3053259
Posted By: Rog Peek
14-Dec-10 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: Lyr Add: BOTTOM OF THE LAND, PHIL (Robert Hoyt)
Where are those things you've worked for all your life Where are the objects of your joy Where are those things that you've come to expect Where are the winner's toys
Chorus Where will you find your place among things Where will you find your strength Where will you find the national will It's all there in the bottom of the land, Phil
Garbage and peas and expired cheese Good things no one'll ever taste Paper galore and old two-by-fours Whole forests laid to waste
Well you won't get my cash and I'll steel your trash Why should I spend it in your corporate store You can compact it all to hell, but you can't hide the smell And I'll still be hangin' 'round your back door.
Chorus Free the trash!
Notes: This song appeared on the album "Dumpster Diving Across America" (Folk the Boat FTBRH204) 1993. This is what Robert had to say about the song: "When Joe Hoffman first loaned me a Phil Ochs tape, I listened to it once and misplaced it. I wrote this song about over-consumption, garbage, and scavenging (i.e. dumpster diving). I then found the lost tape, and was more than a little dismayed at how badly I had musically ripped off old Phil. But then I realised that what I had created was an environmental protest tribute to Phil Ochs, and that it was not "fill" as in "landfill" but rather "Phil".