The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23183 Message #3053541
Posted By: GUEST
14-Dec-10 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: That Old Tattooed Lady
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: That Old Tattooed Lady
Well, I heard 1 ONCE & can't remember artist or rhymes, but the story went: Female person had married her true love, & found that, with passage of time, passion became less passionate, fun&games less frequent. What to do??? She went & had a row of buttons tattooed from the low point of her collarbone down past her navel. Problem solved: lover now had an obsession to fumble with her buttons!!
God bless Groucho Marx forever, & the 1 about the Aussie/British Navy has always been fun, too.
Recently watching TV with my BabyBoy(now 39) & we saw a full-length MarxBros movie. He'd never seen them before, only heard about them. At 1st there was this look of stunned disbelief on his face, & I said, "These are the jokes, son. It's what killed vaudeville." He started roaring. Feels good to give your child something wonderful...Tw