The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133745   Message #3054286
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Dec-10 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Delusion delusion.
Subject: RE: BS: The Delusion delusion.
ref your post 11/12/10you admit yourself that evolutionary theory has myriad gaps and dead ends,so it makes no sense to me to say that creationism has no evidence!

No, it's the fossil record that has the gaps and dead ends, not the theory. The theory is sound as sound can be. Evolution is the truth.

common sense to the common man tells you that anything made has an intelligent maker.

Well now, it depends on what you mean by "made." Once again, your lack of knowledge of the evolutionary process shines through. You developed from a fertilised egg which underwent a process of cell division and differentiation according to a blueprint that has taken billions of years to perfect, to end up with a human being. Not one natural law has ever been breached in the development of that blueprint. "Who made you" comes straight from that simplistic and mendacious Catholic document, the Catechism. As ever, you ask the wrong questions. Read some Darwin. You'll be amazed.