The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134205   Message #3054453
Posted By: Ross Campbell
15-Dec-10 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Last Clydesdales (Archie Webster)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Last Of The Clydesdales (Archie Webst
Gallus Moll - I have sent you a PM (Personal Message) with my email address - look for a link at the top of your forum page, click to take you to the message page.

The lyrics for all of the songs on the "Gentle Giants - a celebration of the Clydesdale Horse in Song" CD mentioned above by Tattie Bogle are available here:-

Gentle Giants lyrics (click)

Thanks, Ken for your lyrics. I can recommend the Ken Campbell Band (no relation!) for excellent music and songs. Saw their Edinburgh Festival gig a couple of years ago and unfortunately haven't been able to catch any more since. I still have the "Ideal Band" LPs from years ago - great stuff.

Googling the "Baron of Buchlyvie" reveals that he is remembered locally in Baron Court, a recent addition to the development of the village, and honoured as the logo of Buchlyvie Primary School. I can remember when Mr Brown the head teacher used to ferry the whole school football team (ie quite a large proportion of the boys in school at that time) around in his VW Beetle. Things improved slightly when he got a Mercedes Benz (but only very slightly!)
