The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134314   Message #3054489
Posted By: ragdall
16-Dec-10 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Activia Yoghurt good fer yer guts?
Subject: RE: BS: Activa Yoghurt good fer yer guts?
Re McDonalds,
Whats next? Sue everyone who advertises on TV to children because it makes it more difficult to say "No" to the child? Parents need to set limits. Big deal. It's called "parenting". I hope they throw that case out of court.

   Also, there is no need to feed the child harmful food when what the child really wants is the toy. McDonalds have a set price at which they will sell the toy without the happy meal. Wanna see my McDonald's Happy Meal Beanie Bear collection?
