The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134329 Message #3054557
Posted By: GUEST,Graham Bradshaw
16-Dec-10 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: Diz Disley Recordings
Subject: RE: Diz Disley Recordings
I was holding this back until we had something completed, but no matter. We are all very excited about this.
Derek Sarjeant put Rick Norcross in touch with me again after 40 odd years, and it was great to reminisce about the old Surbiton days.
Several of us had been discussing this at Diz's funeral - that there was plenty of jazz stuff around but precious little of his folk act.
So, hopefully, this will see the light of day again in 2011, and show what a comic genius the man was, as well as being the great jazz guitarist.
Can't wait!