The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134314   Message #3054781
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
16-Dec-10 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Activia Yoghurt good fer yer guts?
Subject: RE: BS: Activa Yoghurt good fer yer guts?
You have to figure that any time there is an advertising campaign going on, you're going to end up paying for it in the product. And I've always known that they were hyping the aspect of yogurt in general while claiming that it was theirs alone. This is an old ploy.

Read labels. Buy the product with the fewest ingredients, and you'll generally be getting the healthiest version. Or better yet, make it yourself. I used to make yogurt all the time, using a method from a Middle Eastern cookbook that called for a large bowl, towels to keep it warm, sitting on the counter overnight in the kitchen. You need a healthy starter yogurt, so again, use something that has the fewest ingredients and a live culture.

From there, you can put this in a strainer and make yogurt cheese, and this stuff is wonderful in things like lasagna, ravioli, or use it to make pasta dishes like macaroni and cheese much creamier and healthier.