The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134325   Message #3054910
Posted By: beardedbruce
16-Dec-10 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lies about Fox
Subject: RE: BS: Lies about Fox
"There is a HUGE difference between 'baised' in the sense of tending to favor and express one viewpoint over another' and **BIASED** in the sense of ignoring facts and information which does not agree with one's pre-set position(s). "

Yes, there is.

And **I** have heard FOX on several occasions make corrections..(usually minor).. on later programs.- YET YOU HAVE STILL CLAIMED THEY LIED BECAUSE OF THE ORIGINAL REPORT.

" I admire Rachael BECAUSE she listens, analyzes and comes to the most rational conclusion she can based on all the data she can get. Fox and it's minions BEGIN with an agenda and make the news fit...whether they have to spin & distort it or not. "

I consider that thie statement is opinion- WHICH I DISAGREE WITH.

**I** try to determine the TRUTH from listening to BOTH sides, unlike many here that presume one side is correct, and the other wrong WITHOUT any attempt to determine reality, because of what they WANT to believe as true.

"DO you agree that Fox issues those memos?"

What memos? The ONE that my post quotes from?

"For the record, here's what Sammon said in a Dec. 8, 2009, memo to his reporting staff shortly after the Climategate global warming email scandal erupted:

"Given the controversy over the veracity of climate change data, we should refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question. It is not our place as journalists to assert such notions as facts, especially as this debate intensifies."

Now I am from out of town and all, but Sammon's injuction sounds to me exactly like what editors are supposed to tell their charges – report what A claims and what B says about what A claims, but keep your personal views about both A and B out of it.

Note that Sammon includes both those who say the planet has warmed – i.e. global warming advocates – and those who claim the opposite, that the planet has cooled – global warming critics. How much more even-handed – dare I say it, fair and balanced? – can the guy be?

There is also the factual nature of Sammon's statement that critics question data. Critics DO question the data for a warming planet. He doesn't demand that his reporters agree with the critics about the data or tell viewers that the critics are right and the global warming advocates are wrong."

I have no idea what internal memos EITHER network has- but I know how to look at facts, instead of deciding truth based on my own bias.

"MSNBC makes clear they do nothing of that sort"

I agree that MSNBC has stated that, NOT that it is true.

I have no idea what internal memos EITHER network has- but I know how to look at facts, instead of deciding truth ONLY based on my own bias.