The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134325   Message #3055004
Posted By: Bobert
16-Dec-10 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lies about Fox
Subject: RE: BS: Lies about Fox
The BIGGEST of the right's BIGASS LIES is "liberal media"...

There are four publicly broadcast television news/so-called new stations: ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox...

When was Dennis Kucinich asked to be on any one of them???

Until Bernie Saunders mini-filibuster last week when was he last on any of them???

Just where is this "liberal bias", anyway??? Well, I'll tell ya'll where it is...

It isn't!!!

This is all part of the right's drumbeat to only have right and further right conversations on the news... That is reality... It is a trick...

Believe me... I am a leftist and I certainly know a leftist when I hear one and they are blackballed from the *BIG 4*...

Yet there isn't anyone too far to the right that can't get all the microphone time they want... I mean, the further right, the better as far as the BIG 4 are concerned...

And please spare us the worn out, "Yeah, but MSNBC"... So what... MSNBC doesn't have a FCC license to use the publicly owned airwaves, does it... Fox does and it frequently airs righties in addition to it's cable propaganda program...

That is reality...
