The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134325   Message #3055054
Posted By: Bobert
16-Dec-10 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lies about Fox
Subject: RE: BS: Lies about Fox
Gosh, bruce... I guess is you are an upstanding citizen of John Birch City then, yeah, anything that isn't complete facist bullshit must seem mighty liberal...

The problem I have with yer logic is that there is no logic... I am a leftist andf I haven't heard a leftist since maybe the early 70s on any of the publicly aired news shows...

Bet yo can't same the same fir yer side... Wewll, of course you can't because you are so accustomed to having as much rightwinged bullshit blown all over you that you get yer sufficiency on a daily basis... Try standing on a leftist shoes fir a day... No, make that 40 years...

We are completely blackballed from the conversation... Thus, one stupid war after another... One bad piece of crap legislation after another... One more reg screamed down... One more reg ignored... One more family living in poverty... One more year orf the mrich stealing from the working class... One more year of paying 17% of GNP for shitty health care... I mean, we have had 40 years of stupid, greedy people running the show and in that 40 years the left has been "left out" of all the decision making...

That's right, bruce... 40 years of being blackballed!!! That is our reality...

But if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy (because the right wants you to feel that way when you parrot their BIGASS LIES) then parrot away... We on the left know the truth and you do to... You just aren't allowed to admit what is painfully obvious and that is that yer side has the game completely rigged...
