The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134158   Message #3055074
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
16-Dec-10 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: The end of 'Folkwaves' on BBC
Subject: RE: The end of 'Folkwaves' on BBC
Ya know, guys, if only you lot had come over to the BBC board when I had the 'live' Folkwaves threads going...

Do some of you remember the days when one thread reached over 500 posts and Mel closed it down, saying the BBC computer couldn't cope with such vast threads? (complete poppycock of course, as other threads reached similar numbers..)

And we even managed to get a 'listen again' button put on Folkwaves, due to the popularity shown on the F&A board....

Then, it all went bellyup and the usual gang, some of whom are now on here whingeing and whining their hearts out, set their sights on getting me banned from the BBC...

Well, they succeeded, and with that they also lost one of the main advocates for Folkwaves and for English Folk Music in general.

I've never understood this small world that continually aims to shoot itself in the foot, succeeding every single time...

WHY didn't you ALL join in those threads????

WHERE were you when I called for support, for Folkwaves and Genevieve Tudor's show as well....and Radio Britfolk, as was?????

Maybe, just maybe, if you'd all acted differently Folkwaves would now be protected, because it would have been recognised as having so many devout followers, lighting up the BBC F&A board.....but nope, you all chose to mess things up...

And moan??????

Well, I'm really sorry that Folkwaves is going, REALLY sorry, but you guys have to understand that folk music can no longer be reserved only for those within The Inner Sanctum, jumping on those from outside who dare to raise their voices in sheer joy at the music!

This music MUST be allowed out to as big an audience as you can get, or else, just like Folkwaves, it will die....

It's why I used to shout SO bloody loudly...but sadly, I got drowned out by bitterness and jealousy...

And now, the best folk programme on the BBC is about to be axed....

What a sorry state for English folk music to have reached...