The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134325   Message #3055083
Posted By: Bobert
16-Dec-10 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lies about Fox
Subject: RE: BS: Lies about Fox
Absolutely, Dorothy...

The right not only controls the government, the media but has a team of folks revising history as we go...

And then scariest part about this is that the uneducated will "believe" lies even when they are confronted with facts... That does not bode well for the future when the truth no longer matters...

Case in point... The uneducated Tea Partiers "believe" that it was the Obama administration was responsible for the bank bailouts... Even when told or shown proof that TARP was under Bush they continue to "believe" the lie because it fits nicely into their little revised ballgame...

Go figure???
