The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134325   Message #3055216
Posted By: Bobert
16-Dec-10 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lies about Fox
Subject: RE: BS: Lies about Fox
The point about what people "believe" is one that I have tried to make over and over here going way back...

Eric Hoffer wrote a book about "True Believers" and it completely describes most of the folks who watch FOX... They are not interested in the truth... They just want to be on the winning side... Too bad for most of them because they are digging their own graves "believing" Fox/BossHog propaganda and by the time they figure it out, it will be too late to save whatever it was that they thought government was supposed to protect US from...

Silly --- no, make that very stupid --- people...


p.s. I agree with what Bill said... I like Bruce, too... It's just that this Bruce is not the same one that I know away from Mudcat...