The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134337   Message #3055498
Posted By: Alan Day
17-Dec-10 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: BBC4 folk - what would YOU do
Subject: RE: BBC4 folk - what would YOU do
My idea is as follows
I would approach a number of top Folk Musicians and form a consortium (equal share of profits). The musicians would form the basis of about five to six shows,with a small number of additional guest artists to create variety eg Clog Dancer, Rapper side. It would be a fast moving programme with no introductions,only graphics to the performer and what is being performed. All the recordings would be done by each artist for the total number of shows (say 5 or 6 )this would reduce costs. Each programme collated from these recordings.
The programme sold as a total package.
I have approached a major (known to you all ) Folk Musician with this idea which he agreed with in principle and the format suggested.