The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346 Message #3055619
Posted By: Jeri
17-Dec-10 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
I don't know this is very good, but it's a hope for you, the offering of a friend:
Winter Phoenix
A phoenix born of waiting ashes From frozen ground she rises Made of love and concrete And hopes and dreams and wishes
The soul of the phoenix sings with joy: The bleak, black ground I'll cover Your new life starts today Let the cold and fear be over
I shall rise I shall be new I shall stretch my wings and fly As you will too And, as later, on this winter's night You behold me, gleaming white Then warmly sleep, to dream of flight My feathers lightly brush your eyes You laugh your way to morning And the very earth around you sighs For the phoenix in your hearts, a-borning