The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134314 Message #3055839
Posted By: bobad
17-Dec-10 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Activia Yoghurt good fer yer guts?
Subject: RE: BS: Activia Yoghurt good fer yer guts?
"I am saddened by the grip which mainstream medicine has on so many people"
Why don't you ask the millions upon millions of people whose lives have been saved by the use of such "mainstream medicine" as antibiotics, pacemakers, anticoagulants, insulin etc., etc., etc just how saddened they are by "mainstream medicine".
While you're at it why not ask the millions upon millions of children who have been spared lives of suffering and early death by the administration of vaccines against smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, measles etc., etc., etc. how they feel about "mainstream medicine".