The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133881   Message #3056225
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Dec-10 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ireland-What happened?
Subject: RE: BS: Ireland-What happened?
"He had "no idea" who this minister was,"
You still appear to be grasping at the fact that I am unable to name the MP I believe made the "whineing Yid" statement, and descrivbe it as illogical.
I grew up in the knowledge that leading members of the British establishment were anti-semitic, supported the Nazi's persecution of the Jews at the time when Germany was building up to the gehettoisation, imprisonment, dispossession and eventually, the extermination of the Jewish people (you have compared the behavior of these anti-Semites to a televesion sit-com).
Can you explain why what I described could not have happened in the light of the following, from the Independant article.   
"The Right Club was set up by Captain Archibald Ramsay MP
It offers a chilling insight into the virulence of the anti-Semitism which was rife among peers, MPs, knights of the realm and other leading society figures at that time." - PLEASE NOTE THE REFERENCES TO MP'S
Perhaps you would like to suggest that the writer of the article was lying.
Jim Carroll